Philippines List Of Pinoy Top Blogs Sites

Fully Housewifed

fully housewifed! pinoy blog
Fully Housewifed! Blog

Pinoy Blog Description : 

Let me show you how housewives rock!

So you think a housewife's life is limited? Think again. There are so many things that you can now do even if you have decided to just stay at home.

For instance, you can take on a job!

That's right, housewives who choose to stay home to watch over their kids or even home school can also now take on cool jobs.

Or you can get social!

Uhuh, that's right! You can actually make "real" friends online. I should know, I've got them plenty! And we not only give virtual support to each other, we also take time to meet (yes, in person) for coffee, work out together, go to events together, try out great restaurants, watch exciting shows and do all sorts of fun stuff.

Oh yes, we do have social lives! You don't have to be dull and boring just because you've decided to be a housewife.

So you're a housewife, eh? Let me teach you how to rock!

Moomy Musings

mommy musings pinoy blog
Moomy Musings Blog

Pinoy Blog Description : 

A lifestyle blog about anything that interests and concerns a Filipino family. I explore new trends in better homemaking & children's products, join informative events and advocacies, my yummy food finds, our family travel adventures, movie and book picks, practical shopping finds, and mom's little fashion and beauty tips here and there.


ma me mi mommy pinoy blog
Ma.Me.Mi.Mommy Blog

Pinoy Blog Description : 

I write about all the up, down, left, right of my life as a mommy. I tend to add in hints of crafts and Do-it-Yourself tutorials, of recipes, of food and product reviews, of event write-ups, of creative thoughts, and of portrait photography as well. Do drop by sometime and be entertained. :)

The Bag Investigator

the bag investigator
The Bag Investigator Blog

Pinoy Blog Description : 

It's about Bags, Spotting the Not, Mommy experiences and a lifestyle blog.

The Investigator is Razel Christel Miranda a very inquisitive mommy. She writes about everything under the sun, especially when it comes to her mommy diaries. All post in the blog is encountered by her or by her kids which she thinks she must share to everyone for other mommies will learn from it.

Mila Stole My Heart

mila stole my heart
Mila Stole My Heart Blog

Pinoy Blog Description : 

An open diary to Chronicle life with Mila Alessandra.

Written by Paulline, a first time mother, a reluctant wife, a corporate vampire, a frustrated crafter and cook, and whatever hat she fancies. She tries to put into words her crazy thoughts and emotions to share to daughter Mila when she cannot speak for herself anymore.

Follow their OOTDs and lots of (mis)adventures as mom and daughter grow up together.

The Vanilla Housewife

vanilla housewife
The Vanilla Housewife Blog

Pinoy Blog Description : 

Stories from a third world kitchen that will make you laugh. Or cringe.

Written by Jhanis V., wife, a grunge mom, baker wanna-be, slightly funny blogger, all opinions stated on the blog are her own but may have been influenced by her children.

All characters in this blog are purely non-fictitious, any resemblance to real persons living somewhere else is purely coincidental simply because we are here and not anywhere else, otherwise I will tell you should we move somewhere else in this planet.

Jexx Hinggo - Bakasyonista Ako

Jexx Hinggo
Jexx Hinggo - Bakasyonista Ako

Pinoy Blog Description : 

The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-Of-My-Day Bore.
A Frequent Traveler / Food Enthusiast / Beach Bum / Paparazzo / Obscure / Self-Promoter / Registered Nurse / Recruitment Supervisor

Jexx Hinggo is a personal blog by yours truly. I blog about my recent trips to different parts of the our country, the Philippines!

Everything interesting in life, social media, food, and of course, TRAVEL! I give tips in traveling. I share itineraries fit for your next vacation. You can also book flights with me! I can help you plan for your next trip with friends and family.